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10. 08. 2011

Violations of the Law on Advertizing

Belgrade, August 10, 2011 (Vecernje Novosti) - Only in the first half of the year, national TV stations violated the Law on Advertising 2,123 times. The first place among ...

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09. 08. 2011

TV Enter Without broadcasting license

Belgrade, August 9, 2011 (Vecernje Novosti) - Due to unpaid fees for usage of the frequency, the Council of the Republic Broadcasting Agency (RRA) decided to revoke the terrestrial ...

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05. 08. 2011

SEEMO Supports Democratic and Transparent Debate on New Media Strategy in Serbia

Vienna, August 5, 2011 (SEEMO) - The Vienna-based South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), an affiliate of the International Press Institute (IPI), supports the demands ...

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03. 08. 2011

Markovic: too many outlets, not enough news

Prijepolje, August 3, 2011. (Danas, Beta) - Minister of Culture, Media and Information Society Predrag Markovic said yesterday that "various levels of dissatisfaction" ...

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28. 07. 2011

News agency cameramen injured in Kosovo

Belgrade, Julz 28, 2011. (Beta, Tanjug, B92) - Two Tanjug cameramen were attacked and injured late on Wednesday evening on the road from Leposavić to Jarinje in the Serb-dominated ...

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27. 07. 2011

SEEMO Condemns Pressure on Local Television in Zajecar, Serbia

Vienna, July, 27, 2011. (SEEMO)  - The Vienna-based South East Europe organization (SEEMO), an affiliate of the International Press Institute (IPI), condemns political and ...

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25. 07. 2011

Decriminalization of defamation and libel welcomed

Vienna, July 25, 2011. (SEEMO) - Serbia's plans to remove defamation and libel from the countr's criminal code in the fall of 2011 has been welcomed by a regional media organization ...

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16. 07. 2011

Suggestions and Comments on Draft Media Strategy

Belgrade, July 16, 2011. (Danas) - Twenty seven suggestions and comments to the Draft Media Strategy has been submitted to the Ministry of Culture and they are mostly related ...

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11. 07. 2011

Hooligan who threatened B92 reporter granted retrial

Belgrade, July 11, 2011. (B92) - The Court of Appeals today confirmed the six-month sentence given to Partizan FC supporters leader Miloš Radosavljević aka Kimi.But the Belgrade-based ...

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11. 07. 2011

Audio-video recordings of public debates on the Draft Strategy for the Development of the Public Information System in the Republic of Serbia until 2016.

The Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society has published on its web site the audio-video recordings of the public debates on the Draft Strategy for the Development ...

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Pravni monitoring
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New Media Laws

To what extent will the new media laws help the Serbian media sector develop?

A great deal



Not at all


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