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28. 03. 2011


Belgrade, March 28, 2011 (Vecernje Novosti) - Representatives of media and media associations will propose, in a form of a protocol, directions of the Media Strategy development ...

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26. 03. 2011

Obradovic: difficult position of journalists in Serbia

Belgrade, March 26, 2011. (Blic) - Serbian journalists face difficult professional and material situation as well as undefined legal framework, while media scene is ruled ...

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26. 03. 2011

RADOJKOVIC: Judicature - the biggest sponsor of media

Beograd, 26.03.2011. (Danas) - The first quarter of this year has been marked by the metastasis of trivia and vulgarity in reality shows as well as hate speech, racism, pornography ...

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25. 03. 2011

Serbian journalist fired for being "hostile" coverage of Putin's visit

Belgrade, March 25, 2010. (Newspepper.su) - Officer Serbian television channel RTV Vojvodina fired for misleading the signature of the story talks about the Russian Prime ...

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25. 03. 2011

Security measures against media reporting

Serbian and Russian journalists not satisfied with work conditions during the visit of the Russian Prime Minister to SerbiaMoskva, Belgrade, March 25, 2011. (Danas) - Both ...

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25. 03. 2011

Radio on the red carpet

Belgrade, March 25, 2011. (RAB Serbia) - Radio stations have started the RADIOlution. On February 21st 2011, Radio Advertizing Bureau - RAB Serbia, was officially registered ...

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25. 03. 2011

EFJ sends letter to Serbian president

Belgrade, March 25, 2011 (B92) - The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) has sent a letter to Serbian President Boris Tadić, expressing their concern over the threats ...

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23. 03. 2011

Insufficient money for Airing National Assembly sessions

Belgrade, March 23, 2011. (Dnevnik) - The General Secretary of the National Assembly was not able to give a statement on concrete results of talks on broadcasting the Parliament's ...

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22. 03. 2011


Belgrade, March 22, 2011 (Danas) - Ban on live broadcasting of the reality TV shows on televisions in Serbia comes into force tomorrow, which will permit only delayed broadcast ...

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22. 03. 2011

Media – Between Privatization and State Aid

Nis, March 22, 2011. (Pregled) - In the organization of the OSCE Mission to Serbia, round table titled "Local media - between privatization and state aid" will be ...

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Pravni monitoring
ANEM campaigns


New Media Laws

To what extent will the new media laws help the Serbian media sector develop?

A great deal



Not at all


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