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25. 11. 2013

Draft Law on public information in the Government by the end of the year

Belgrade, November 25, 2013 (Tanjug) - Assistant to the Minister of culture in charge of media relations Sasa Mirkovic said today that the Draft Law on public information ...

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23. 11. 2013

Bianconi: Founders to provide independence

Belgrade, November 23, 2013 (Dnevnik) Ministry of culture and  media continues to support media in the languages of national minorities by cofinancing their projects and thus ...

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22. 11. 2013

Sekulic: No possibility for public enterprises in media

Novi Sad, November 22, 2013 (Beta) - President of Association of media (ASMEDI) Zoran Sekulic said today in Novi Sad, that according to the Law on public enterprises, there ...

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21. 11. 2013

Impermissible Media Commentary on Court Verdict

Belgrade, November 21, 2013. ( Beta ) - The Belgrade Court of Appeals President Dusko Milenkovic said on Thursday that it is impermissible that the media comments on the verdicts ...

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21. 11. 2013

Too Much Sensationalism

Belgrade, November 21, 2013. (Tanjug) - The Belgrade media during the last two months have slightly increased their reporting on corruption in Serbia, but it is still sensationalist ...

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21. 11. 2013

RBA : Discrimination Encouraged on TV Pink

Belgrade, November 21, 2013 . ( Politika ) - The Republic Broadcasting Agency ( RRA ) announced yesterday that the content of the show "Farm" which was broadcast ...

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21. 11. 2013

World Television Day

Novi Sad, November 21, 2013 ( NDNV ) - At the recommendations of the UN, the World Television Day is celebrated globally by program exchange, with emphasis on topics which ...

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20. 11. 2013

Media Laws in Early 2014

Belgrade, November 20, 2013 ( Danas ) - After a conducted public hearing, last week work began of the  expert working group of the Ministry of Culture and Information for ...

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20. 11. 2013

Media literacy as mandatory subject in schools

Belgrade, November 20, 2013 (Beta) "Media literacy should be introduced as mandatory subject starting even in elementary schools, so young people could be educated to ...

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19. 11. 2013

Brussels Boosts Support for Media in the Region

Belgrade, November 19, 2013 ( Euroaktiv ) - The European Commission has started discussion of the draft guidelines for the assistance that the EU will, over the next seven ...

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Pravni monitoring
ANEM campaigns


New Media Laws

To what extent will the new media laws help the Serbian media sector develop?

A great deal



Not at all


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