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23. 01. 2015

Amended indictment for murder of Slavko Curuvija

23.1.2015 (Tanjug) - BELGRADE - The Serbian Prosecutor's Office for Organised Crime raised a new, amended indictment against four members of the State Security Service (DB) ...

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21. 01. 2015

3 persons suspected of involvement in reporter's murder

21.1.2015 (Vecernje novosti; B92) - BELGRADE -- A commission set up by the government to investigate murders of journalists has obtained information that could shed the light ...

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20. 01. 2015

EP's S&D Group puts spotlight on media freedom

20.1.2015 (Tanjug, B92) - BRUSSELS -- The Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament has "welcomed Serbia's progress in the EU integration process."However ...

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19. 01. 2015

Tabloid attributes pornographic material to Croat president

19.1.2015 (Beta, B92) - BELGRADE -- The Serbian Ministry of Culture and Information has condemned a tabloid for publishing pornographic images, and claiming they showed Croatia's ...

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16. 01. 2015

CSOs urge prosecutor’s office to check BIRN’s allegations

16.1.2015 (Tanjug) - BELGRADE - Civil society organizations (CSOs) overseeing the work of public institutions and the media in Serbia demanded Friday from the Republic Public ...

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15. 01. 2015

Pressure on journalists unacceptable

15.1.2015 (Tanjug) - VIENNA - Dunja Mijatovic, OSCE representative on freedom of the media, has said that she has regular contacts with the authorities in Serbia with regards ...

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14. 01. 2015

Vucic says his reaction was "harsh but right"

14.1.2015 (Beta, Tanjug, B92) - BELGRADE -- Aleksandar Vucic says he would continue to cooperate with the head of the EU Delegation Michael Davenport, "because it is ...

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14. 01. 2015

Cases of killed, missing journalists should be investigated

14.1.2015 (Tanjug) - BELGRADE -The Journalists' Association of Kosovo-Metohija (DNKiM) and the Journalists' Association of Serbia (UNS) called on UNMIK, EULEX and Pristina's ...

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13. 01. 2015

"Important year for Serbia's EU agenda"

13.1.2015 (Tanjug, B92) - BELGRADE -- Serbian PM Aleksandar Vucic and EU Delegation head Michael Davenport agreed on Tuesday 2015 was "an important year for Serbia in ...

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13. 01. 2015

EU "supports media, doesn't interfere in editorial policy"

13.1.2015 (Tanjug, B92) - BELGRADE -- The EU provides financial grants in support of freedom of expression, and gives them to "independent and non-government organizations ...

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