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13. 01. 2015

PM to meet with EU representative after controversy

13.1.2015 (B92) - BELGRADE -- Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic will on Tuesday meet with EU Delegation head Michael Davenport, it has been announced by the Serbian government.The ...

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12. 01. 2015

PM's row with "EU-paid liars" condemned by NGO

12.1.2015 (Beta, B92) - BELGRADE -- The CEAS NGO has accused Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic of treating the voters irresponsibly by engaging in a controversy with representatives ...

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10. 01. 2015

Novi Sad citizens honour victims of terror attack in Paris

10.1.2015 (Tanjug) - NOVI SAD - Citizens of Novi Sad honoured the victims of the terrorist attack on the editorial of French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo by lighting candles ...

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08. 01. 2015

Belgrade pays tribute to victims of Paris attack

8.1.2015 (Tanjug) - BELGRADE - The citizens of Belgrade lit candles in front of the French Cultural Center on Thursday evening, paying tribute to the victims of the terrorist ...

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26. 12. 2014

Mirkovic: Media content co-financing bids to be called soon

26.12.2014 (Tanjug) - BELGRADE - Serbia's Ministry of Culture and Information should issue invitations to tender for co-financing media projects after the New Year and Christmas ...

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25. 12. 2014

Cheaper phone calls with BiH, Macedonia, Montenegro

25.12.2014 (Tanjug) - BELGRADE - Serbian citizens will be able to enjoy cheaper phone calls with Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Macedonia, as the prices of the services ...

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24. 12. 2014

NUNS: 22 attacks on journalists in Serbia this year

24.12.2014. (Tanjug) - BELGRADE - Over the course of 2014, there have been 22 attacks on journalists in Serbia, 12 of which were physical assaults, which indicates a deterioration ...

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24. 12. 2014

Mirkovic: I do not think reporters' standing has deteriorated

24.12.2014. (Tanjug) - BELGRADE -Sasa Mirkovic, state secretary at the ministry of culture and information, said on Wednesday that he does not agree with the assessment set ...

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23. 12. 2014

Tasovac, Mijatovic on priorities of Serbia's OSCE presidency

23.12.2014. (Tanjug) - VIENNA - Serbia respects freedom of the media and freedom of expression and the Serbian government condemns any attempt to violate these freedoms, Serbian ...

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20. 11. 2014


20.11.2014. (Beta, RTV) - Media Coalition presented today ten ethical recommendations for online journalism.Among the recommendations presented during the discussion at the ...

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