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28. 01. 2009


Digitalization is one of the most up-to-date issues in media sphere. As the moment of digital switchover is getting closer and closer, the public debates regarding the strategic framing of this process occur more often. Key issues relate, above all, to establishment of timely, transparent and all-embracing strategy and development of adequate legal acts, in accordance with European standards.

ANEM already initiated the creation of two expert opinions regarding the use and regulation in the field of digitalization and new media, which was accepted as a starting focal point for development of strategy of digitalization. Association plans several similar actions for the immediate future and it will take active role in the public debate regarding the forthcoming digital switchover. 

Recommendation Rec(2003)9 of the Committee of Ministers of Council of Europe on measures to promote the democratic and social contribution of digital broadcasting thus emphasize “…the need to safeguard essential public interest objectives in the digital environment, including freedom of expression and access to information, media pluralism, cultural diversity, the protection of minors and human dignity, consumer protection and privacy”. For these reasons, it is expected that entire public and all interested stakeholders will take active participation and contribute to successful process of digitalization.    

Ministry of Telecommunications and Informational Society of Serbia announces the beginning of the construction of strategy for digitalization and, accordingly, new law on electronic communication.  Possible directions of the development are anticipated, along with potential obstacles and challenges.

More information:

Digital TV even via old television sets, Politika 13.01.2009.

Greater number of TV channels and new services, Blic 13.01.2009.

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