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31. 03. 2009


Belgrade, March 31, 2009 (Politika) – On yesterday press conference, Minister of Culture, Nebojsa Bradic, announced the set of measures to protect Serbian electronic and print media in the period of economic crisis, and accordingly, called upon media organizations and syndicates to provide creative suggestions to assist the media outlets.

As Minister of Culture Deputy in charge of media, Natasa Vuckovic-Lesendrc explained, the four working groups will be formed - for journalistic profession, electronic, print media, and newspaper industry – to define the set of intervention measures and long term system solutions, which will be negotiated in the next four weeks and which will be submitted to the Serbian Government for approval.

When it comes to co-financing the projects for national minorities’ media, the national councils which recommended the media outlets were consulted, and according to criteria of Ministry of Culture, the expenses of printing, distribution, as well as up to ten salaries of the employees in the amount of average gross salary will be financed.   

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ANEM proposals for crisis legislation

Effects of the crisis and it impact on media

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