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25. 06. 2009


Belgrade,June 25, 2009 (Ministry of Culture) - Minister Nebojsa Bradic, on today’s press conference, held in Serbian Government, informed media representatives about regulatory measures for media assistance in the period of economic crises, which were, on Ministry of Culture initiative, adopted by Government on today’s session.

- Government will provide additional 60 million dinars from the budget reserve, assigned for co-financing of the projects in the domain of public information.

Serbian Government, like other European countries, will help media with coordinated advertising of its activities through its Office of media relations, according to clearly determined criteria of audience share, circulation and adequate target group. 

Government also recommends RBA and RATEL to reduce the broadcasters’ fees, in order to help their business. So far, Ministry of Culture gave a positive opinion on new RBA Rule book on the amount of radio and/or television broadcasting fee, which implies fee reduction from 5% to 50%, depending on the area covered by broadcasting signal.

Through its Ministries, Government will provide additional support to RBA and RATEL, and with coordinated action, on urgent procedure, will disable the work of illegal broadcasters. 

Through Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Government will recommend to collective societies for copyright and related rights, a mutual coordination of the fees through process of consultations with users.

In the previous period, Government ensured 250 million euro for support of small and medium companies through loans of European Investment Bank. These loans will be used for new investments and refinancing of the existing loans, and will be granted to media outlets by commercial banks. Interest rate varies between 5% and 6%, and loans are granted on period of 15 years with grace period of 5 years.  

Media will also be provided with commercial bank loans, according to the Government’s program within Fund for development. 

Draft proposal of Law Amending Advertising Law which will, in recent period, bring certain relaxation of the advertising rules, will in that way, ensure media outlets with additional income.

Ministry of Culture will keep on working on suggestions of proposals which, on the initiative of this Ministry, are defined by professional and business media associations, demand certain systematic changes and longer period for realization – said Minister Bradic, explaining the Government’s regulatory measures.

Ministry of Culture will continue to monitor the enforcement of adopted regulatory measures.

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