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22. 09. 2009


Belgrade, 22.09.2009 (Politika) - The Ministry of Culture said yesterday it approved 125 out of 355 projects that respect the standards of the profession and contributing to culture, information, science, education, environmental protection, health of citizens, submitted to the competition for co-financing programs in the field of public information, the Belgrade daily Politika reported.

"For these purposes, a total of 80 million was set aside: 60 million from the current budget reserve, which the Serbian government intended to support the media in conditions of crisis, and 20 million from regular funds of the Ministry of Culture," said Culture Minister Nebojsa Bradic.

16 projects of print media were approved, which the Ministry of Culture would support with 9.8 million, 46 projects of radio stations with intended 21.5 million, 13 projects for web portal will be funded with 11.2 million, seven projects of TV productions with 6.5 million dinars and 43 TV stations' projects will be financed with 31 million dinars.


List of successful competitors available here
Presentation of competition results provided by Ministry of Culture available here

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