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20. 10. 2009


Belgrade, October 20, 2009 (Politika) - Serbian Parliament's Culture and Information Committee brought the decision yesterday that the two candidates from the non-governmental sector for the Council of the Republic Broadcasting Agency (RBA) would be Milovan Vitezovic, poet, and Goran Pekovic, professor at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Dramatic Arts. Members of the Parliament will elect one of the two nominated candidates at the first upcoming session of the Parliament.

Non-governmental organizations should have established the list of two candidates, however, they failed to agree and the list of six candidates reached the Parliament. Vesna Marjanovic, Chairman of the Committee, expressed regret that the NGOs had failed to reach an agreement; therefore the Committee had to reduce the list to two candidates. Milovan Vitezovic, candidate of the Belgrade Cultural-educational community and Goran Pekovic, nominee of the International Association of Advertisers, received the most votes. Two of the other four candidates remained without votes. The Parliament should elect one of two candidates of the media sector at the session in progress. The proposed candidates are Gordana Susa (NUNS) and Milan Becejic (UNS). The Committee has decided to nominate Parliament deputies Dragoljub Micunovic (DS), Zeljko Ivanji (G17+), Branko Ruzic (SPS), Ivan Andric (LDP), Esad Dzudzevic (PKM), Zoran Sami (DSS) and Branimir Djokic (SRS) as candidates for members of the RTS Program Committee.

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