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13. 02. 2010


Belgrade, February 13, 2010 (Politika) - The Serbian Business Registers Agency (APR) registered 820 out of 914 media which applied for registration - newspapers, news agencies, radio and television programs and Online media. APR registered 50 Online media, 483 print media, of which 20 were daily print media, 177 radio programs, 19 news agencies and 91 television programs.

Deputy registrar of the media register Ruzica Macukat explained that they had received 914 applications since October 14, 2009, and that there were still a hundred media in the process of registration because of incomplete documentation. She also sad that the termination of these procedures was expected in the next ten days. "The law does not prescribe any sanction in the sense of the impossibility of registration until January 11", she said and added that all public media, which had not filed applications for registration in due time, could still do that.

Macukatova said that the law provides the suspension and large fines for the media not yet being registered in the Register.

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