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28. 12. 2009


Belgrade, December 28, 2009 (Pregled) - Assistant Culture Minister, in charge of the media, Natasa Vuckovic-Lesendric announced yesterday that the Media Development Strategy would be adopted and the media transformation in Serbia would be continued in 2010. "During next year, we are expecting from the Government to propose to the Assembly the new Law on the Tanjug news agency, to revoke the existing one and to adopt new regulations on the Radio Jugoslavija and the Jugoslovenski pregled", said Assistant Minister Lesendric-Vuckovic. The Ministry of Culture is also expecting amendments to the Broadcasting Law and Law on Illegal Media Ownership Concentration and Transparency of Public Media Ownership to be brought before the Parliament, announced Vuckovic-Lesendric.

Vuckovic-Lesendric said that, among other things in 2009, the dialogue that had defined set of measures to assist media in period of economic crisis was very important. Assistant Minister specified that during that year, the Ministry of Culture had supported 216 projects, accepted suggestions of the Republican Broadcasting Agency (RRA) on the fee reduction for broadcasters and changed conditions for co-financing of printed media in minority languages, due to many inconsistencies.

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