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19. 12. 2009


Belgrade, December 19, 2009 (Politika) - The Ministry of Culture strongly condemns death threats, attacks and vulgar messages made to Brankica Stankovic, author of the program "Insajder", by representatives of the aggressive groups, because this designed action is not only representing a violation of the right to life, threat to investigative journalism and freedom of expression, but also causes fear among journalists and in public.

Violent supporters' groups have been calling on Brankica Stankovic lynch for days, and by hate speech creating an atmosphere that encourages violence, such as the recent attack on actress Bojana Maljevic for wearing umbrella with the logo of the television which broadcasts program "Insajder". The Ministry of Culture will do all within its jurisdiction to protect journalists and allow them to do their jobs unobstructed. Freedom of public information is a foundation of the democratic society that includes not only the right to truthful, timely and objective information, but also the right to publicly criticize and seek explanations in relation to specific actions and acts.

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