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31. 08. 2010


Novi Sad, August 31, 2010 (Dnevnik) - The constitutive meeting of the Working group for the Public Information Strategy, chaired by Ana Tomanova Makanova, the Vice-president of the AP Vojvodina Government and the Provincial Secretary for Information, was held at the Parliament of Vojvodina.

"A new jurisdiction and the Statute of AP Vojvodina also imply development of a part of the Public Information Strategy applying to our Province and that is our obligation" - Makanova pointed out.

As she declared, this document should determine the basic direction of the media sphere's development and work toward the improvement of the previous practice in this field. The starting idea of this development document in the field of Vojvodina media is also preserving the public service of Vojvodina. Besides, a great attention will be paid to the respect for acquired rights, which has a special importance and contributes to exercising rights of national communities in the region. The Study will contain legal and economic analysis of media scene as well as recommendations relevant for development of the future Media Strategy in Serbia.

At the meeting with media experts from Vojvodina, two expert groups were formed and coordinators and members to be engaged in development of Media Study for Vojvodina were elected. The special expert groups were formed for the fields of print media, electronic media, digitalization and legal-economic issues.

Within these working groups, experts will particularly deal with the issue of informing in the languages of national communities living in Vojvodina, Makanova pointed out.

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