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04. 10. 2010


Belgrade, October 4, 2010 (Danas) - Although presentation of the Draft Media Strategy was planned for Monday, October 4 at the last round table within the public discussion, the passing of the Draft has been postponed for two months and should be tabled before the Government by December 1, Assistant Culture Minister responsible formedia Natasa Vuckovic-Lesendric said.

According to Lesendric, this decision was made due to a number of reservations of people from the media industry, mostly related to the issue of digitalization. Because of this, there would be few more round tables organized across Serbia, first of which would be organized by the Journalists' Association of Serbia (UNS) on October 11 in Subotica. The final round table, planned for Monday, has been postoponed until the completion of debates in other towns.

Vuckovic-Lesendric said that there had been a number of various opinions on the recommendation regarding the constitution of regional public services; however, it was still early to make any comments as the public discussion was underway.

Interestingly enough, there have been very few discussions about the convergence in media, which could alter their operations, as well as self-regulation and general public interest in the system of public information. In adition, some other unrealistic demands were heard. On the whole, it will all be considered during the public debate, concluded Lesendric.

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