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02. 09. 2010


Belgrade, September 2, 2010 (Blic) - Media and journalists' associations have consolidated their joint stands that they would present at the public debate on the Media Strategy starting today.

The joint stands refer to the transparency of ownership and prohibition of illegal concentration, withdrawal of the state from ownership in media and equal treatment of media on the market, said in the statement of the associations.

ANEM, IJAS (NUNS), JAS (UNS), IJAV (NDNV) and Local Press believe that the state should promote private ownership and create favorable economic and legal conditions for the development of the media. They also noted that, despite the fact that the Law on Public Information prohibited the state to be the owner of media, it had retained the shares in a large number of media in the country.

Also, the Law on Public Information provides for the possibility of the state "to found" news agency, however, such provision should be revoked, said in the statement of the associations. The Strategy should foresee the complete withdrawal of the state from ownership in media, which includes the sale of shares and redefining of the position of public media, as well as establishing of independent bodies that would prevent the attempts of the state and companies to control the media.

The associations also stated that a new legislation should be passed, which would put a stop to the monopoly on the media market and prevent media owners to create a monopoly by buying other media.

The clear defining of public interest in media laws is also necessary, as well as identifying the obligations of state bodies to allocate resources from the budget for media projects and forming of the independent bodies and funds.

Culture Minister Nebojsa Bradic said that the debate on the Media Strategy should produce quality proposals and new solutions, especially regarding the financing of media and protection of public interest. He also pointed out that the defining of public interest, identifying of obligations, position and role of the state in protection of public interest and regulation of media scene, as well as protection of freedom of media, journalists and media profession, should be the principal postulates that should be followed and respected by media, society and the state.

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