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08. 05. 2010


Belgrade, May 8, 2010 (Dnevnik) - The new Law on Tanjug news agency will be adopted and the Directive on International Radio of Serbia amended in the course of this year, which would regulate their position and financing, said the Assistant Culture Minister responsible for media Natasa Vuckovic-Lesendric.

"We are aware of the problems that arise from financial backing of only one news agency and we want to eliminate the possibility of illegal concentration. Hence, the the Government's program envisages the amendments to the Law on Tanjug", said Lesendric.

The amended Directive on International Radio Yugoslavia, now Radio of Serbia, will provide for the transformation of this company with 120 members of staff. The Assistant Culture Minister also said that the Media Strategy, whose drafting was announced last year, would be hopefully completed by mid-July. This document would be based on the comparative analysis of the situation on the media scene and legislations of three European countries and Serbia, drafted by the European experts for the Ministry of Culture.

The team of the European Commission working on the analysis selected Danmark, Germany and Austria as three European countries for the paper, based on their ethnical specificities, population, position of public services and local media, concluded Lesendric.

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