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27. 03. 2010


Belgrade, March 27, 2010 (Vecernje Novosti) - Culture Minister Nebojsa Bradic said that the Media Strategy, whose adoption would bring order to the Serbian media scene, should prevent newspapers' publishers to be the owners of the distribution network at the same time.

He also pointed out that the Strategy should be completed and presented to public by mid-year. The package of media legislations that would regulate our media scene also includes the Law on Illegal Media Concentration, which would provide solutions consistent with good European practice and regulate one of the presently biggest problems, i.e., the absence of legal obstacles that prevent publishers to also be the owners of the distribution network.

"The diversity in information is very important for the quality of our media scene. The concentration of media in hands of single owner, who influences the identity of certain newspapers or media, would only add to further uniformity of the information", Bradic said.

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