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26. 08. 2009


Belgrade, August 26, 2009 (Politika) - The Ministry of Culture stated yesterday that the forming of the working group that would be working on the Media Strategy was currently underway.

It also stressed the need for urgent Strategy adoption. Drafting of the Strategy, announced in late February as the Ministry's priority in the field of media sector, should deliver the basis for shaping all other documents related to operations and role of media in the society.

The future Strategy should also define the status of media public institutions that needed to be transformed.

"Tanjug is still financially backed by the state and its position should be regulated as it currently creates rivalry on the market with other private entities such as Beta news agency and FoNet, hence its transformation is urgently necessary", said the Assistant Culture Minister responsible for media, Natasa Vuckovic-Lesendric.

The working group has not yet been formed; however, the Ministry of Culture has called on all journalists' associations, as well as Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM) and Association of Media (ASMEDI), to take part in the working group in order to ensure the voice of the media industry. The first meeting of the working group is scheduled for Thursday, and the drafting of the Media Strategy would also include the participation of representatives of OSCE Mission to Serbia and Council of Europe.

"There is only one working group currently working on the amendments to the Broadcasting Law and the Ministry of Culture does not have any other group authorized to work on all media legislations", claims Lesendric.

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