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12. 11. 2010

To improve the quality of legislative work

Belgrade, 12.11.2010. (Vecernje Novosti) The lack of public discussion on the adoption of laws and MPs' blank resignations are among the main objections to the work of the Serbian Assembly listed in the EC report on Serbia's progress.

At the meeting of the Committee for the European Integration held yesterday, Vincent Degert, the Head of the European Union Delegation to Serbia, mentioned the example of the Public Information Law, whose provisions were declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court, since the public opinion had been neglected.  

- Some laws were adopted too fast, under the urgent procedure, and with the lack of public discussion - explained Mr Degert. He emphasized that it was necessary to continue the judicial reforms, fight organized crime and corruption. Among the positive steps, he mentioned the adoption of the joint resolution of Serbia and EU on Kosovo in the UN, the adoption of the Declaration of Srebrenica and the President Tadic's visit to Vukovar.

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