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02. 12. 2010


Belgrade, December 2, 2010. (Politika) - „Mistakes will be rectified", „ We are a bit late", „it's a clerk's fault", „we'll send it as soon as possible"- were the pupils-like excuses of the ministers against whom the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection had filed charges.

The fourteen members of the Mirko Cvetkovic's cabinet were publicly warned because they had not submitted the information on personal data collected by their ministries, how they kept these data and who could access them.

Rodoljub Sabic had sent warnings to the ministers in regard with their legal obligation. After they had failed to comply with it, he pressed charges against them in the Magistrate Court.

It is clear that there is both obstruction and arrogance in the way the executive government acts. The ministers could not get used to the fact that there are "control regulatory bodies". Unfortunately, there is also ignorance in regard to it. The Commissioner said that "regardless of the declared acceptance of the international obligations, realistic notion of our administration on what European standards imply, is on a very low level". 

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