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07. 12. 2010

OSCE Mission to Serbia encourages dialogue on media strategy

Belgrade, 7 December 2010 (OSCE) - The Head of the OSCE Mission to Serbia, Ambassador Dimitrios Kypreos, called today for a timely and transparent dialogue on Serbia's media strategy, following a meeting with the heads of Serbia's five largest media associations.

During the meeting, the association leaders expressed concerns about the stalled process of drafting the strategy and stressed their wish that Serbia's authorities duly consult them in that process.

"The OSCE Mission encourages public dialogue during the preparation of Serbia's media strategy. It is important to ensure that media reform proceeds in a transparent way, that journalist associations are engaged in the process at an early stage and that their voices are heard," Kypreos said.

"A transparent and timely public dialogue should be the foundation of any media reform process. We commend the close collaboration among Serbia's media associations on this critical issue."

Representatives of the Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM), the Independent Association of Journalists of Serbia (NUNS), the Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS), the Independent Association of Journalists of Vojvodina (NDNVa) and the Association of Local Press (UO Local Press) took part in the meeting.

In 2010, the OSCE Mission has facilitated five roundtable meetings with the participation of international and local experts to propose recommendations to the Culture Ministry responsible for media matters, for a strategy paper on the future of the media in Serbia.

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