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25. 11. 2010

Third time’s the charm

Belgrade, November 25, 2010. (Danas) - The Media Strategy, awaited for ten years, was presented as the opportunity for saving the media scene in Serbia. It is indisputable that this document is needed, considering difficult situation of the media and the fact that chaos rules in this field. Journalists' associations have positively received this idea and taken a common stance and have united on this issue. And this does not happen very often.

The Ministry of Culture had engaged European experts who provided recommendations for the Strategy on the basis of the experience of three European countries. However, it turned out that not all have been applicable in Serbia due to the specific situation in our country. The associations requested the postponement of the public discussion. The Ministry said "there is no time for waiting" and now - there's only silence. The round tables on these recommendations were held. The Draft should have been presented in the beginning of October and than the presentation was postponed for the second half of November. However, at the moment we do not know when the working version will be finished, let alone the final document. It turned out that not everything was clear. Financial analyses are still being awaited and "usable" document could not be created without them.

However, there is a fear among the public that there is an inappropriate political interference in the realm, especially because the next year is pre-election. The officials might be feared the government would be changed and therefore believe there is no sense in beginning such a big job. Again, giving up is not an option, at least not officially, because in order to maintain its power, each political option needs the media. Recommendation to form institutions of regional public service broadcasting resembles the Dinkic's idea for regionalization and the question is if it is on purpose or just a coincidence.

The competent Ministry does not need another gaffe in the media sector. We should not forget the case of the Law on amendments to the Public Information Law, which was adopted despite the professionals had opposed to it. After one year, it was officially declared unconstitutional. Another controversy is related to the law aimed at preventing monopoly in media ownership - the public discussion was held, the Draft was brought, it was supported by the associations, and again - nothing.

Will the scenario of adopting the Media Strategy be the same? We hope that the third attempt to present this third document - Draft version of the Media Strategy - will be the third time luck.

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