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04. 12. 2010


Novi Sad, December 4, 2010 (Dnevnik) - The Minister of Culture Nebojsa Bradic said yesterday in Novi Sad that all "constructive contributions" brought during the public discussion had been incorporated in the final Draft Media Strategy.

"At this moment, it is important that professionals, journalists' and media associations and other interested parties articulate their opinion on proposed solutions so the final document to be presented to the Government could be brought", Bradic said to "Dnevnik" on the occasion of the ceremony dedicated to the 100th anniversary of poet Laza Kostic's death.

Bradic said that the future Media Strategy was not a short-term document, but strategic one. Because of that, it is important to determine all media actors so the last version of the Draft could be defined on the basis of the already proposed frame.

"We do not want the Ministry of Culture, as the initiator and our partners in this process, such as the Commission, to bring the document which could contain some open questions thus presenting an obstacle to the media development instead of inducing order in the media scene",  the Minister said.

As for the deadlines, he said that the basic principles of this document had already been defined and the Action Plan as an important segment was being discussed now. Having been asked if the Strategy would contain the European experts' recommendations on transforming the Radio Television of Vojvodina, Bradic said that the Strategy's essence was the improvement of the work of entire media scene and well-functioning areas and institutions would not be questioned.

"Here we talk about the strategic solutions; how to perceive the transformation of certain areas expected to be sustainable in the future", Bradic said, adding that time was changing and that "the necessity of change will enable public services to become resilient toward changes".

He said that the media scene was changing technologically and that we should have looked toward its development and not questions if we were in need of what we had at the moment.

"What is certain is that we need the quality media", he pointed out.

RTV Transformation is not a menace

"As for the Radio Television of Vojvodina, there have been some requests for the transforming of this institution and we expect some good proposals on the way it could be done. The transformation does not mean threatening identity of the role of a media outlet in the informing system", the Culture Minister said.

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