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04. 01. 2011


Belgrade, January 4, 2011. (Danas) - In spite of several positive shifts in the last year, development of the Serbian media scene is not expected in 2011. The situation of the Serbian media scene in Serbia, which has been gradually deteriorated throughout last years, could not expect a positive progress during this year. According to the representatives of media associations, what we could expect in 2011 is difficult economic situation, dismissal of journalists, closing media outlets, law advertizing income and continuation of political and economic pressure on freedom of expression.

The announced Media Strategy, at least as an idea, is the only "bright spot" the representatives of the fourth estate are hoping for in the future period, although there is a fear if its solutions would be in line with the professional requirements. 

As for the previous year, predictions that it would have been worse than 2009, mostly came true. The difficult situation continued to deteriorate, and economic position of journalists is more unenviable than it was a year before. Among the positive shifts, representatives of media associations mention the announcement of the Media Strategy, which brought about greater collaboration of the journalists' associations, the fact that the Constitutional Court declared the majority of provisions of the Law on Amendments and Additions to the Law on Public Information unconstitutional, as well as the more efficient fighting against illegal broadcasters.

The president of the Independent Association of Journalists of Serbia (NUNS), Vukasin Obradovic, said for the "Danas" daily that through the Media Strategy the government could give a clear answer on how it sees the media scene and whether it intended to reform this scene in line with the European standards or "it will persist in its intention to treat the media as its noticeboard"

Ljiljana Smajlovic, the president of the Journalists Association of Serbia (UNS), points out that "there is no freedom of the press if journalists live in a corrupt community and poverty and fear". She says there is no reason to believe that 2011 will bring greater freedom of expression.

Sasa Mirkovic, the president of ANEM said that economic crisis would continue to deepen in 2011. He negatively estimates the gesture of the Ministry of Trade and Services that presented  the Draft Law on Advertizing without consulting the members of the working group. 

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