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04. 02. 2011

The Commissioner’s Seminar on Development

Pozarevac, February 4, 2011. (Danas) - One day seminar was held in Pozarevac in the organization of the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection with the support of UNDP Serbia.

The topic of the seminar was related to the creation of the info-booklet on the work of state organs in line with the Instruction for the creation and publication of the Information Booklet on Public Authority work, which had come into force in the end of September last year and according to which all state organs were obliged to prepare the info-booklet on their work.

Seminar was led by the deputy Commissioner, Stanojla Mandic, and Nemanja Nenadic, the program director of the "Transparency Serbia" with their expert-associates from UNDP Serbia.

The seminar was opened by the Pozarevac's mayor and was attended by the directors of the city public companies, institutions, funds and foundations as well as the representatives of the Kostolac self-government.

During the seminar, the deputy Commissioner Stanojla Mandic commended the City of Pozarevac for the positive shifts in terms of work of the authorized person in the City dealing with the requests for accessing information of public importance in the last two years.

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