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24. 01. 2011


Belgrade, January 24, 2011 (Pravda) - Director of the Public Company "Broadcasting. Equipment and Communications", Vladimir Homan, announced yesterday that this company had started to work on January 1, from when all 210 employees in the Broadcasting Equipment and Communications Department of the RTS had been working under the authority of this company. He said that the state of the objects was very poor and it was necessary to reconstruct them in order to obtain around 9 million Euros (from EU IPA Fund) needed for preparing and carrying out the switchover to new digital technology.

Homan emphasized that one of the major tasks in the process of digitalization was to make a good project and cover the whole territory with the digital signal in order to avoid "holes filling" afterwards.

"It is certain that non-digital signal would not be possible to broadcast after 2015", said Homen, adding that there was already a problem with the Croatian TV signal in the bordering regions of Vojvodina where this signal covered the RTS signal.

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