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29. 12. 2010

Draft Media Strategy by February 20

Belgrade, December 29, 2010 (Ministry of Culture) - The Minister Nebojsa Bradic announced today that "the Draft Media Strategy will be proposed by February 20, after which a wide-ranging public discussion will ensue".

At the meeting held in the Ministry of Culture on the topic of developing the document of the strategy of the public information system in the Republic of Serbia, which was also attended by the presidents of journalists' and media associations, representatives of the Council of Europe, the EU Delegation and the OSCE Mission to Serbia, the Minister Bradic emphasized:

- The adoption of the Strategy is expected in mid-2011, with full readiness for cooperation with interested partners, and particularly with media associations and media industry.

The main aim is to create a strategy that will be aligned with the highest European standards but also with the needs of the Serbian media market as well as the entire Serbian society.

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