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16. 02. 2011

“We will protect the Insider journalists”

Belgrade, February 2, 2011. (B92) - Ivica Dacic says that the Ministry of the Interior will protect the journalists of "Insider", as it has done before in cases of threats against media representatives, since he became the Minister.   

The Minister of Interior said it was unacceptable that anybody was threatened in Serbia.

The Police will investigate putting up posters in Lazarevac as well as the threats to the authors of the "Insider". Dacic said that the Police had no information who was behind it, but that everything would be investigated.

He reminded that he had many meetings with professional journalists' associations on the topic of protection of journalists.   

The posters against B92 and the authors of „Insider" appeared for the first time in Lazarevac two weeks ago, at the same time when the "Insider" TV series was broadcast, dealing with the abuses committed in the Mining Basin "Kolubara".

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