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12. 02. 2011


Belgrade, February 12, 2010 (Vecernje Novosti) - The tender documents for broadcasting sessions of the Parliament has not been taken yet by a single TV station. The deadline for announcing the winner of the competition is set for the beginning of March. Even if no one applies, the Parliament has a "plan B" - the Legislative Committee may bring an interpretation of the Broadcasting Law and declare broadcasting of the sessions the public interest. This will oblige RTS to broadcast Parliamentary sessions.

"We will not take the tender documents and we will not sign up for tender" Tijanic is stern. "If the Parliament tries to oblige RTS to broadcast Parliamentary sessions, which is against the law, we will start procedure before the European Parliament. Public Broadcasting Service should be and is independent and no one is allowed to interfere in its editorial policy."

The RBA explained that there is not a single word in the Broadcasting Law saying that the Public Service must broadcast the Parliamentary sessions. However, according to the Rajka Galin-Cerkic, the only option for the Assembly to force RTS to broadcast is to pass a special interpretation of the law. In that case, the RBA would be guided by that explanation.

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