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22. 03. 2011

Media – Between Privatization and State Aid

Nis, March 22, 2011. (Pregled) - In the organization of the OSCE Mission to Serbia, round table titled "Local media - between privatization and state aid" will be held today in Nis Media Centre. At the round table, the following topics will be discussed: problems and perspectives of the media market on local level, role of journalists' associations and syndicates in strengthening local journalism, relation between private and state owned media on the local level, financing and sustainability of local media.  

The panelists of the round table are: Richard McClear, IREX, Serbia; Dragan Janjic, NUNS, Petar Jeremic, UNS; Dinko Gruhonjic, NDNV; Dejan Miladinovic, Lokal pres; Sasa Mirkovic, ANEM.

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