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11. 03. 2011

Media largely influenced by crisis, politicians, advertisers and internet

Nis, March 11, 2011. (Danas) - Media and journalists in Serbia are especially struck by economic crisis and according to a recent survey, two thirds of them are influenced not only by financial by also by political pressures - the Head and Legal Adviser of the OSCE Serbia Media Department, Dragana Solomon and Miroslav Jankovic, said yesterday at the event organized by the Nis Journalists' Society. Solomon and Jankovic said that print media were especially endangered as well as internet as a large virtual space that had not been ethically regulated.  They emphasized that decentralization of the media scene in Serbia was necessary and that it should have considered the needs of all citizens and minority groups. According to them, OSCE would urge competent authorities in Serbia to work on adoption of the Law of Media Deconcentration and the new Advertising Law, which would stipulate transparency in media ownership and decrease pressures of advertisers on media.  

After this public event, the OSCE representatives met the actors of the affair in Nis regional TV Pet, whose employees had been on strike since March 7, requesting their late salaries and improvement of their work conditions.  

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