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25. 03. 2011

Serbian journalist fired for being "hostile" coverage of Putin's visit

Belgrade, March 25, 2010. (Newspepper.su) - Officer Serbian television channel RTV Vojvodina fired for misleading the signature of the story talks about the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and Serbian President Boris Tadic. As reported by Agence France-Presse, instead of a signature "Confirmation of friendly relations" appears on the screen "confirmation of hostile relations."

The dismissal of the employee who made an error, has announced the general director of TV Blaz Popovich. According to him, from the work suspended several others, including the chief editor. Popovich said that they will not be allowed to work as long as management does not figure out how to punish them.

Vladimir Putin visited Serbia for an official visit on March 23. Tadic during negotiations asked Russian Prime Minister to provide a loan of $ 800 million. Putin said the money would be allocated only for specific projects. Previously, Russia had already betrayed Serbia loan of 200 million dollars.

In addition to formal meetings with Tadic and Vladimir Putin, together with the bikers went to a football match between the youth of Petersburg "Zenith" and the Serbian club Red Star. " After the game, he visited the temple.

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