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26. 03. 2011

Obradovic: difficult position of journalists in Serbia

Belgrade, March 26, 2011. (Blic) - Serbian journalists face difficult professional and material situation as well as undefined legal framework, while media scene is ruled by chaos - President of Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia (NUNS), Vukasin Obradovic, said yesterday.

At the NUNS 17th Anniversary Ceremony, he emphasized that the position of journalists and media in Serbia was much more difficult than it had been expected to be after democratic changes.

Obradović estimated that NUNS could contribute to the improvement of situation by participating in the development of the Media Strategy that would set clear rules for functioning of the media scene.

"NUNS will continue with pursuing its mission, which means being a symbol of democratic changes and fighting for developing democratic freedoms in the society, first of all, in the area of freedom of expression", Obradovic concluded.  

During the ceremony, company executives that have supported the work of NUNS and Media Centre were granted with the honorary membership card. Among them are Milos Bugarin, President of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Toplica Spasojevic, President of ITM Group, Draginja Djuric, General Manager of Banca Intesa Serbia and Velimir Radosavljevic, General Manager of the "Nikola Tesla" Airport.

Among the guests who attended the ceremony are the Minister of Culture, Media and Information Society, Predrag Markovic, the Ombudsman, Sasa Jankovic and Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data, Rodoljub Sabic.

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