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04. 03. 2011


Belgrade, March 4, 2011 (Pravda) - The President of the Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia (NUNS), Vukasin Obradovic, estimated that it could not be said with utter certainty whether and when the Media Strategy would be adopted. He also said that the process had been stopped completely by the announcements of the reconstruction of the Serbian Government.

In his statement to the Beta News Agency, Obradovic said that consequences of non-adoption of the Media Strategy would be great and serious because the state of chaos in the media sector would continue and Serbia would not fulfill its duties on moving forward on its EU path. He estimated that the main cause of the delays in work on the Media Strategy was the lack of political will, namely the state's willingness to adequately solve this issue. According to NUNS President, the fact that some local self-governments in Serbia still act as media owners is one of the greatest consequences of non-adoption of the Media Strategy. He also mentioned the case of Republic Broadcasting Agency, whose work had been practically disabled because the authorities had not agreed over the election of three RRA Council members.

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