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06. 04. 2011

Bad law enforcement

Belgrade, April 6, 2011. (Danas) - The verdict, according to which Danas is obliged to pay on the basis of solidary responsibility the penalty on behalf of Danas, but also on behalf of "Kurir", "Glas javnosti" and journalist Dusanka Novkovic, has not been brought by adequate law enforcement - media law experts estimate. According to them, solidary responsibility is determined by the Law on Obligations (article 206), to which the Court did not refer when it brought the verdict.  

The President of UNS Ljiljana Smajlovic explains for Danas that their law experts analysis determined that the Court decision is wrongly based, since it did not refer to the said article of the Law on Obligations. On the other hand, as The Law on Public Information stipulates, solidarity only refers to the relations between a media founder, editor-in-chief and journalists.

Lawyer Slobodan Kremenjak claims that solidary responsibility that includes relationship between several legal entities is not possible according to the Law on Public Information and that the Court did not refer to the said article of the Law on Obligations. Besides, there is no argument on which basis such a decision was brought - said Kremenjak.

President of NUNS Vukasin Obradovic stresses out that journalists' associations will seek changes of media legislation. The "Danas" case court verdict is a proof of inadequacy of our media law system, Obradovic says.

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