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09. 04. 2011

Four men arrested over B92 death notices

Belgrade, April 09, 2011 (B92) - Police have arrested three men under suspicion of putting up B92 death notices in the Serbian town of Lazarevac.

They are also suspected of assaulting two young men who had warned them not to put up the threatening posters.

Police Public Order Department Head Milan Stanić told B92 that Dušan Š., Aleksandar R. and Nikola B. had been arrested.

He also pointed out that police continued to work on indentifying others who were involved in the case.

B92 has learned that Nenad Pavlović aka Neks was also arrested last night in Lazarevac under suspicion of organizing four people who put up the death notices around the town.

B92 death notices with the names of B92 Editor-In-Chief Veran Matić and author of Insajder program Brankica Stanković appeared in Lazarevac after the B92 investigative program had revealed abuse in the state-owned Kolubara coal mine.

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