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06. 03. 2011

Four jailed for staging protest against B92

Belgrade, March 06, 2011 - Four convicted members of far-right group "1389" have been sentenced to 15 days in prison for staging a protest in front of the B92 headquarters yesterday.

Ivan Ivanović, Srđan Krunić, David Simonović and Goran Petrović will serve their sentence at Padinska Skela prison.

Another four members of the organization, including three young women and an underage boy, have been fined with RSD 20,000.

About 20 members of the far-right group gathered in front of the B92 headquarters yesterday afternoon and refused to leave when police had asked them to.

NUNS: Another attempt to pressure journalists

The Independent Association of Journalists of Serbia (NUNS) has assessed that the unannounced rally of the far-right group in front of the B92 headquarters is one more in a series of open pressures on B92 journalists and editors.

"NUNS demands from the authorities to allow normal working conditions to B92 journalists and editors and calls on the competent authorities to take legal measures against the participants of the rally, supporters of extreme-right organization ‘1389'," it is stated in a release.

NUNS repeats that B92 has been targeted by extremist organizations that have sent open threats to some journalists and editors and therefore jeopardized their safety and basic professional freedom.

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