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11. 05. 2011

Tadić: Serious crime should be severely punished

Belgrade, May 11, 2011 (Belgrade) - Serbian President Boris Tadić says he will insist that all government institutions adopt decisions that correspond to social dangers caused by a certain crime.

He pointed out that due to his respect for the independence of the judiciary, he could not comment on specific court decisions.

"Court decisions need to be respected, we might not agree with them but we need to respect them. This is the only way for them (courts) to get a chance and become independent institutions and for judges to pass adequate decisions in the future," Tadić told reporters when asked to comment on the deal closed with folk singer Svetlana Ražnatović and some other verdicts pronounced over the past few days which the public considers too mild.

When it comes to the verdict in the case of individuals who attacked B92 cameraman Boško Branković, the Serbian president said that he advocated protection for all professionals at their respective workplaces, whether they were policemen, doctors or reporters.

"In this context, punishments have to ensure that citizens of this country have the chance to do their jobs freely," Tadić stressed.

However, the president reminded that in the recent past, Serbia had an "incredible punishment policy" and that hooligans at sporting events or even drug smugglers could have been sentenced to probation, but he added that this was no longer a possibility.

"Severe penalties for grave felonies and crimes constitute a precondition for the society's stability and prosperity, and there can be no forgiveness for grave crimes and felonies," the president concluded.

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