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05. 05. 2011

Administrative Court annulled the RBA decision

Belgrade, May 5, 2011 (Dnevnik) - The lawsuit against the Republic Broadcasting Agency (RBA), initiated by the owner of the "Fox" radio, Caslav Milanovic before the Serbian Supreme Court in September 2008, over issuing the local frequency to the "No Limit" Radio, has seen its epilogue after the reorganization of the judiciary, when administrative disputes fell under the jurisdiction of the Administrative Court in Belgrade.

Due to the violation of the rules in the procedure of allocation of frequencies, the RBA decision was annulled by the decision of the Administrative Court, which ordered reopening of the proceedings. As the new Chairman of the RBA Council has been elected in the meantime, the owner of the "Fox" Radio expects that whole procedure for allocating the radio-frequencies in Senta Municipality will be repeated.

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