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01. 06. 2011

Draft Media Strategy completed

Belgrade, June 1, 2011 (Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society) - Expert working group for drafting the Strategy for development of the system of public information in the Republic Serbia until 2016, submitted the text of the Draft to the Ministry today, within stipulated deadline.  

The Draft has been developed by the working group consisted of seven members: five representatives proposed by the media associations (Rade Veljanovski, professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences, lawyer Slobodan Kremenjak, Jelema Surculija from the Faculty of Political Sciences), the weekly Vreme Editor-in-Chief Dragoljub Zarkovic and Zoran Sekulic, Chief Editor of the Fonet News Agency, as well as two representatives elected on the proposal of the Ministry: marketing expert Igor Avzner and European media law expert Danilo Nikolic. Representatives of OSCE, an EU expert, supported by the Embassy of Great Britain and a representative of the Ministry, participated in the work of the working group as observers.

The working group was established in line with the Protocol on Cooperation, signed on April 18, between the Ministry and six media associations - NUNS, ANEM, UNS, NDNV, Association of Media and Local Press.

The Protocol envisaged the final text to be determined by the Ministry after which the public debate would ensue.

The text proposed by the working group and the final text of the Draft will be published on the Ministry's website during first half of July.

In early July, upon completion of the public debate, the Ministry will propose to the Serbian Government the adoption of the text aligned with the suggestions of all interested parties.


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