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02. 06. 2011

Distrust in Media, both traditional and new ones

Have traditional media doomed to die in the information age and who is trusted most, are the questions discussed by the participants of the "EuroDIG" conference.

Belgrade, June 2, 2011. (Politika) - How many of you have bought a newspaper today? This question put to the participants of "Eurodig" conference was a good introduction to the discussion on power relations between traditional and new media and need to regulate younger ones. Only a few out of around 200 attendants raised their hands while others "took their daily information doses" on Internet.

One of the topics of the conference held in "Sava Centre" was also the need for regulating new media sphere. The conclusion is that it should be done but only to a necessary extent. The aim is not control, but the guarantee of freedom of expression, Tomas Schneider, representative of Council of Europe emphasized.

However, there is a question: who is trusted most. Young participants said that they trust only the information seen on Facebook or Twitter posted by trusted people. Older participants said that the following fact was ignored: traditional media (such as Mond and Spiegel) have strict standards, check information detailly and allow the other side to be heard.

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