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26. 05. 2011


Dragana Milicevic Milutinovic, state secretary at the Ministry of Culture, speaks for Danas

Belgrade, May 26, 2011. (Danas) - The draft version of the Media Strategy will be completed by June 1, while the final version of this document could be tabled in the Government in mid July, says Dragana Milicevic Milutinovic, state secretary at the Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society. After this, according to her, it is up to the government to decide on the moment when the Media Strategy will be put on agenda and finally, its adoption.

"The working group's deadline for completing the Draft is June 1, though many think this is a short period for developing such an important document. However, having in mind that the members of working group are representatives of media associations, I believe that there are no obstacles for all to be completed in due time. The public debate is planned to be open during June; in the period that follows the debate, possible corrections would be made and consequently tabled in the Government", the state secretary explains.

  • In the Media Study, which was supposed to be a basis for the Strategy, the establishment of 15 institutions of public service broadcasting in Serbia was proposed. Do you think this proposal will be integrated in the Draft Strategy?  

"My personal opinion is that it is not feasible, because there is a question how to finance 15 institutions of public service broadcasting, in addition to two existing ones. It is impossible to finance them from TV fee since the public service broadcaster is not able to collect this fee to a satisfactory and adequate level, because of which deduction of funds from the public service broadcaster is not an option. On the other hand, there is also a question why to deprive citizens of these regions of information on important issues for their local communities. I hope that the working group will have a quality proposal and that we will come to a relatively just solution."  

  • How do you assess the work of the Serbian public service broadcaster? Should something be changed either in its program or the way it operates?  

"Radio-television Serbia is working in a way that it deems the most qualitative manner at this moment and what is debatable is whether this is the public service as it should be or it is not. However, other developing areas in Serbia are also not aligned with European and other standards, but RTS is "the most visible" and therefore vulnerable to greatest criticism. I believe that we should first create a framework for a better tomorrow and then to discuss the quality."

  • When is the draft of new Broadcasting Law expected to be presented?

"The Draft Broadcasting Law is completed, but we will wait until the Media Strategy is adopted. It would be pointless to initiate adoption of the draft until it is determined if everything is aligned with the Strategy."

  • The Republic Broadcasting Agency (RRA) is expecting that new Broadcasting Law will introduce the possibility that regulator could impose direct sanctions to broadcasters. Will this be regulated and how?  

"It is illogical that regulatory body has a right to directly charge penalties as it is obvious who has a right to do that in Serbia. In this country, there is the Constitution and laws, so we know who is in charge of what and regulatory bodies are not among those who could charge penalties."

  • Does it mean that this will not be enabled by the new law?

"I would not discuss the Draft Law until it is completed."

  • How would you assess the situation on the Serbian media scene? To what extent do you believe Serbian media are free today?

"The situation in media today is worse than it has ever been in the last ten years. Most journalists have forgotten the main principles of their profession to which they should stick to. When you listen to or watch most of journalists, you could notice that they forget that they are journalists - they wave hands, threaten, allow themselves to address ministers in a casual manner... Everything has been staggered in this field and there are no more criteria. When we talk about bad situation in media, journalists themselves have given in to such a situation. If journalists accept to work under influence and pressure and not to have freedom, then basic principles of journalism are violated, namely the right to freely and independently inform about things as they are. It is untrue that journalists have no choice; they can choose whether they want something or not.  Even if there is no media freedom, there are free journalists. I do not see that journalists stick out for their status. Associations do that, while journalists are silent."  

  • To what extent has the economic crisis influenced this situation in media?  

"Economic crisis has overtaken all areas, but we do not have surgeons, for example, refusing to operate on a patient, because there are principles of each profession that are valid in all circumstances. People used to work for 10 Deutsche Marks, but they worked because of ideas and higher goals. I believe that journalists should be well paid and independent, but also they should respect the principles of the profession. Nobody could say that media freedoms do not exist, because if someone thinks it is true, then he should fight to get it. To fight for one's freedom means to win freedom for others at the same time."

Regulatory bodies in the public debate

  • Why have regulatory bodies not been involved in the process of developing the Media Strategy? Or have they, in a certain way?

"Regulatory bodies have not been involved in this process in any way and they should not be. They could participate in the public discussion as much as they want. For now, only representatives of media associations have been involved in developing the Strategy."

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