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11. 07. 2011

Hooligan who threatened B92 reporter granted retrial

Belgrade, July 11, 2011. (B92) - The Court of Appeals today confirmed the six-month sentence given to Partizan FC supporters leader Miloš Radosavljević aka Kimi.

But the Belgrade-based court at the same canceled the part of the verdict related to endangering of the safety of B92 TV reporter Brankica Stanković.

Radosavljević was put on trial in 2010 and found guilty on charges of violent behavior and endangering the journalist's safety.

The case was tried before the First Basic Court in Belgrade.

He was charged for chanting "You're poisonous like a snake, you'll end up like Ćuruvija" during a game, while his fellow fans in the stands kicked an inflatable doll that represented Stanković.

Journalist and publisher Slavko Ćuruvija was shot and killed in Belgrade in 1999.

Now the Court of Appeals said that the part of the verdict referring to the safety of the B92 reporter did not offer clear and convincing reasons to show that Radosavljević committed a felony, in the manner indicated in the indictment brought against him.

For this reason, the Court of Appeals ordered a retrial on this charge.

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