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23. 06. 2011

Media Strategy before foreign diplomats

Belgrade, June 23, 2011 (Politika) - Representatives of Serbian media associations presented yesterday the Draft Media Strategy, currently open to public debate, to foreign diplomats and representatives of OSCE.

The Chief of the OSCE Mission to Serbia Dimitrios Kypreos said that the Media Strategy should enable creation of the legal framework for independent functioning of media in Serbia.

"All countries have problems in media sector, but it is necessary that they apply all mechanisms and put efforts in order to overcome these problems", said Kypreos and added that Serbia had the OSCE support in this respect.

The Draft Strategy for the Development of the Public Information System in Serbia until 2016 has been prepared by the working group consisted of five representatives of media associations and two representatives elected at the proposal of the Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society. The Draft Media Strategy envisages that the state has no shares in media ownership, except public services.

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