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13. 08. 2011

The state not eager to withdraw from media ownership

"Apparently, there is no will (of the state to withdraw from the media ownership) at various levels and with various motives", Predrag Marković (Vecernje novosti, August 11, 2011)

Belgrade, August 13, 2011. (Blic) - The Draft Media Strategy, that was completed in the beginning of June, clearly stated that the state would withdraw from the media without delay. The deadline was set - 18 months from the adoption of the Strategy. As the deadline for adoption of the final version of the Strategy is approaching, and that is September, media professionals have more doubts that the state is ready to give up its share in the media. The minister now clearly answers that there is no will of the state to withdraw from the media. So, it is true but at the same time it is completely inconsistent to what had been announced.

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