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13. 08. 2011

Reckoning with tycoons in power

Belgrade, August 13, 2011 (Pravda) - Serbian Progressive Party believes that it is completely absurd for the Serbian Government to adopt the Media Strategy before it reckons with Dragan Djilas and Srdjan Saper, tycoons from Democratic Party, who own all seconds for advertizing in the media and almost all the media. Member of the City Board of the Serbian Progressive Party Nebojsa Stefanovic believes that before this is done, any talk on state's ownership in the media is pointless.

-  For many years, companies of Dragan Djilas and Srdjan Saper have major impact on the purchase of RTS and B92 seconds and probably of other media outlets as well. At the beginning of year they buy all the seconds for advertizing. Time for advertizing could then only be bought from the companies that they own, co-own, partially own, or in which their ownership is hidden  - said Stefanovic. - When the government solves that problem, than we can talk seriously on Media Strategy and public information - said Stefanovic.

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