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10. 08. 2011

Violations of the Law on Advertizing

Belgrade, August 10, 2011 (Vecernje Novosti) - Only in the first half of the year, national TV stations violated the Law on Advertising 2,123 times. The first place among them belongs to TV Prva (539 violations), which is followed by RTS 1 (405), B92 (338) RTS 2 (330) and Pink (315). TV Avala and TV Happy were much more careful, with 93 and 91 violations, respectively. The most disciplined among the stations was Happy Kids TV with only 12 violations. The Council of the Republic Broadcasting Agency (RRA) submits complaints on the basis of these violations against national TV stations, but the number of verdicts is negligible compared to the number of cases. During the last year, the number of violations amounted to thousands, but none of the TV stations were punished.

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