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10. 08. 2011

Concerning the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Croatia on the case of Zeljko Mitrovic

Belgrade, August 10, 2011 (Danas) - Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs demanded that Serbian authorities take measures against broadcasting of "negative and unfounded content" about Croatia on TV Pink, having in mind the fact that the media company uses public frequencies of the Republic of Serbia.

The Ministy of Foreign Affairs of Serbia delivered the telegram received from the Embassy of Serbia in Zagreb on the same day to the competent Ministry of Culture. The Ministry of Culture immediately transferred the protest of the Croatian Ministry to the Republic Broadcasting Agency (RRA).

The president of the Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia (NUNS), Vukasin Obradovic, reminds that the Association has pointed out that the step taken by Zeljko Mitrovic is contrary to the Journalists' Code of Conduct of Serbia, the Law on Public Informing and the Law on Advertising, and that these issues lie within the competence of the Ministry of Culture and Informing and the RRA.

The president of the Journalists' Association of Serbia (UNS), Ljiljana Smajlovic, is concerned about the indifference of the Serbian government and independent regulatory bodies towards actions of Zeljko Mitrovic. "The true scandal with regard to Zeljko Mitrovic and TV Pink lies in the fact that an owner is using his ownership over a media outlet with a national frequency in order to promote his private and commercial interests, regardless of the interest of the public or professional standards. Even Rupert Murdoch is not allowed to behave in this way anymore", she added.

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