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19. 09. 2011

RATEL reports

Belgrade, September 19, 2011. (Dnevnik) - The RATEL report for 2011 will be presented at the regular Assembly session for the first time. Competent council proposed to the Parliament to adopt this RATEL report as well as its plan for 2011.

This report, among other things, provides information that RATEL issues 23 approbations for providing internet services, three for radio and TV program, 38 for telecommunication networks and six for international linking with telecommunication networks of operators from neighboring countries.

During the last year, 5374 technical licenses were issued - certificates as well as 1962 approbations for import of certain goods. Besides, there were 131 decisions on banning the work of radio stations that illegally use a frequency; 76 misdemeanor proceedings were initiated and 98 decisions on enforcement made.

In the end of 2010, there were 99 employees in RATEL. RATEL organized 22 sessions of its Managing Boards.

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